Beneath the Arch Bursaries

50/50 draw proceeds are available for bursaries to be awarded at the discretion of the Beneath the Arch Awards Committee.  The bursary was designed to enable young performing artists to enhance their experience and skills in a performing arts field.  We define "performing arts" as any creative, artistic endeavor that is active and viewed by an audience (such as dance, voice, music, theatre).  The bursary can be used toward any of the following:

  • lessons

  • admission or registration costs (tuition)

  • event or competition fees

  • rental fees (for instruments, studio space, etc)

  • materials, books, costumes, learning aids

We may ask bursary winners for proof that they used the bursary for one of these activities or costs.

Bursaries were awarded to 12 students last year, amounting to a total of $6,500.

Bursary award winners are: Macy Richardson, Emily Welsh, and Lexi Letkeman from Black Diamond; Russell Hodson, Carys Perdue, Isla Stokke, Winslow Way-Dunlop, Lily Kaack, Phoebe and Charis Braun, and Reegan Wiens from Turner Valley; and Kayden Parker from Millarville.

Beneath the Arch Performing Arts Bursary

Bursary Awards Criteria

  • The student’s Bursary Application Presentation.

  • A Letter of Reference from the student’s teacher that supports the student as a potential bursary award recipient.

  • A demonstration of the student’s commitment to their performing art.

  • How the bursary will enhance the family’s capacity to cover the cost of the performing art.

  • Must be received by May 2, 2025.

You will want to include information about your involvement in your performing arts field, how many years you’ve been involved, and your level of achievement; concerts, competitions, or community events you’ve participated in and awards.

It’s beneficial if you can include a video of you performing, up to 3 minutes(maximum).

  1. Your video will be viewed by the Bursary selection committee.

  2. Please provide 1 submission and it must be you performing.

  3. The video must be under 3 minutes long.

All submissions will be reviewed, with or without video, and ranked from the total submissions. The selection committee will rank the top 5 submissions (or more) for consideration. All submissions will be ranked by the bursary committee based on the information provided and the awards criteria. Winners and those not selected will be advised of the results in writing by May 30, 2025.

Please note: Bursaries are available to students grade 4 – 12 and must reside in or attend school in:

  • Foothills County West of 16 Street West.

  • Towns and villages including Diamond Valley, Millarville, Longview and Priddis.